Doug Schrader

District 2
Board Chairperson

Doug Schrader has served on the Northeastern REMC Board of Directors since 1980. His role on the board has included officer positions, including board chair, treasurer, board secretary, and vice-chair where he currently serves. 

Schrader has earned the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association’s Credentialed Cooperative Director Certificate and the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association’s Board Leadership Certificate during his time on the board. Schrader has represented NREMC on the Board of Indiana Electric Cooperatives, the statewide association for all co-ops throughout Indiana. He has also served for years on Northeastern’s Customer Choice Services Corporation Board of Directors, helping bring new business development and thousands of jobs to Whitley County via Park 30 Business Center. 

Schrader graduated from Purdue University’s Agricultural Short Course, which has served him well in his career of farming and raising livestock. This experience also led to serving multiple terms on the Whitley County 4-H Incorporated board. Schrader has served as a volunteer firefighter in the Columbia Township Volunteer Fire Department, and is a longtime member of Oak Grove Church of God. 

Along with his wife, Sheryl, Schrader resides on Raber Road, outside of Columbia City, where they’ve lived, farmed, and raised livestock. They have three children and nine grandchildren. Schrader continues to leverage his years of experience to help Northeastern navigate many new complex projects while still bringing local needs into the boardroom to make sure policies and programs offered at Northeastern REMC make sense for all members.