Your small change can change lives!

Operation Round Up

Northeastern REMC members can choose to round up their electric bill to the next whole dollar each month to help those organizations in need.

How it works

If your bill is $68.74, NREMC will round up your bill to $69.00. The extra 26 cents will go into the fund that is distributed quarterly to local non-profit organizations. (The average yearly contribution is around $6.00 with the most being $11.88.)

Member Enrollment

Click below to fill out the Operation Round Up Form and we’ll help get you enrolled to start rounding up!

Grant Request

Applications are now being accepted for the next grant cycle. If you’re a 501(c)(3) organization, click below.

How funds are distributed

The Operation Round Up Committee is a group of employee volunteers who meet on a regular basis to review grant applications and select worthy causes to support. Below you’ll find our most recent grant history.

BABE of Whitley County

Whitley Co. Night to Shine


Hoosiers Feeding the Hungry

Community Harvest Food Bank

Grace Lutheran Food Pantry

Lexi’s Voice


BABE of Whitley County

Whitley County Dazzlers

Big Brothers Big Sisters

Homebound Meals

Erin’s House for Grieving Children

Hoosiers Feeding the Hungry

Big Brothers Big Sisters of NE Indiana

Difference Makers

American Red Cross

Camp Whitley, Inc.

Life and Hope Foundation, Inc.

Lexi’s Voice

Girl Scouts of Northern IN-MI

The Lighthouse, Interfaith Mission

Babe of Whitley County