Most homeowners know meters are attached to their homes, but have you ever wanted to know more about them?
Here are some common questions and answers about your meter.
Blue skies may quickly return after a severe thunderstorm, but that doesn't mean the danger is over. Many homeowners will immediately go outside to assess the damage as soon as the rain ends. We want to make sure our members are staying safe when…
Electric safety is probably the last thing that crosses anyone’s mind on a leisurely summertime boat ride. But because water and electricity are a deadly combination, brush up on some boating safety rules before taking off. Boaters should…
Graduations, weddings, and birthdays are all reasons to celebrate, but be sure you're doing so safely. If you're using balloons, keep them indoors. Balloons can break loose from their strings and blow into overhead power lines with one gust of…
Spring has arrived with its profusion of color: whites and pinks … and orange — lots of orange — as in the orange of work zones.
National Work Zone Awareness Week (April 17-21) reminds motorists to be careful around those whose jobs put…
Don’t rely on extension cords to solve the problem of inadequate electrical outlets.
Electrical overloads can occur when your home draws more electricity than a circuit can safely handle. When a circuit receives too much electricity, it…
It’s winter in Indiana. That means storms with wind, snow, and ice. When high winds and ice combine, it can affect power lines in a unique way, causing them to “gallop.”
When ice accumulates on power lines, it forms a teardrop shape. If…
There are three types of utility companies across the United States. You, as a member of Northeastern REMC, are part of an electric cooperative. One of the best things about being a co-op member is that you are not simply a…