As part of our ongoing efforts to help you save money and be more energy efficient, Northeastern REMC is partnering with NEST, makers of the Nest Thermostat, to offer cutting edge technology that will help you save energy in your home.
Nest Thermostats learn what temperatures you like so they can keep you comfortable and help you save energy. You don’t have to do anything. Your Nest Thermostat will do all the work for you, turning down heating and cooling for short periods of time to help save energy while still keeping you comfortable. Nest will not let it get too hot or too cold and you can change the temperature any time, if need be.
Now Nest and Northeastern REMC are working together to help your Nest Thermostat do even more for you.
If you have central air and/or a heat pump along with dependable WiFi, you will be eligible to join Northeastern’s new load management program and save on the purchase of a Nest Thermostat. You will also be eligible for recurring energy credits through our “Rush Hour Rewards Program” which allows us to control cooling during specific “rush hours.”
Energy Rush Hours are like traffic rush hours. Just as traffic clogs up roads when everyone tries to drive to or from work at the same time, Energy Rush Hours occur when everyone in a particular area turns on air conditioning (AC) at once. Imagine what can happen when millions of people turn on their AC during a heat wave. This, in addition to one’s usual electric use puts a tremendous strain on the electric grid. And then electric companies have to scramble to provide more electricity than usual to fill the higher demand. The cost for electricity companies to purchase electricity will spike during these peak demand times.
If you buy the Nest through us you will receive incentives and rebates, reducing the price considerably. You can choose between the Nest Learning Thermostat and the Nest Thermostat E, both with features to help you learn about your energy use and save energy as well. If you already own a Nest you will be able to sign up for Rush Hour Rewards and earn the account credits.
Specific details and pricing will be announced soon. Watch for details on our Facebook page, our website -, and in emails from us.